Giuliana Micoli was born in San Daniele del Friuli (Udine) and has resided in London since 1992 where she worked in the fields of finance, contract and design. She subsequently established Bridge Art and People Ltd. based in London, aimed at promoting international art projects.
From an early age she has always been interested in the potential of globalisation and in all forms of different cultural expression. With this drive and still very young she took her studies initially to Tokyo and in 1984 to Seoul. From 1987 to 1989, she worked at the Italian Embassy in Seoul and at the same time earned a degree in International Relations from the University of Maryland (Asian Division).
In 1989, Giuliana returned to Italy, where she graduated in Political Science at the University of Trieste. With a wealth of experience on an international scale, close contact with culturally diverse people, combined with exposure to diplomatic, financial and artistic communities, Giuliana has developed a versatility towards aesthetic expression. She can therefore identify the compatibility and connection among different expressive forms which allows her to harness the inspiration for “The Bridge of Harmony”.
This is her first international exhibition, which has as footholds her native home (Udine) and her elective city (Seoul), and seeks to build a global artistic conversation with the seducing presence of both history and memory.